detail (l.184)
2 0
  pridané 15.2.2019 13:34
Minule som videl Geralta v Tescu (aspoň sa na neho podobal) kde kupoval krabicové víno, takže určite viac ako 500 rokov :D
detail (l.63)
Tommy__Angelo -> erebos_01
  pridané 1.2.2019 7:43
V pohodičke. Ani ja si nie som upne istý ale zdá sa mi ze to bolo tak. :-D
detail (l.15)
erebos_01 -> Tommy__Angelo
  pridané 30.1.2019 17:38
môže byť :) , už je to chvíĺka co som cital knihy a jednotku kde boli tusim tieto veci spomemute som tiez hral dost davno
detail (l.63)
Tommy__Angelo -> erebos_01
  pridané 29.1.2019 19:11
Skúšku tráv podstúpili všetci ale Geralt to zvládol oveľa lepšie ako ostatní a preto ho vybrali ako jedného z mála na experimentálne mutácie. A po týchto mutáciách mu ako vedľajší účinok zbeleli vlasy. :)
detail (l.67)
Lord Lopata -> belgar242
  pridané 22.1.2019 16:57
Urcite ano, inak by nestarli :D niekde som cital, ale uz si nepametam, ze max okolo 400-500 rokov, ale neviem, ci to nieje blud
detail (l.15)
erebos_01 -> peter5713
  pridané 22.1.2019 10:21
Skúšku tráv podstúpili všetci, len na Geralta mala však takýto efekt ak si dobre spomínam.
detail (l.136)
  pridané 19.1.2019 10:57
"Very few species are given detailed age limits, its fairly vague.

One of (if not the) oldest elves to ever live, former king Auberon, was over 650 at the time of his unnatural death.

Mages/sorcerers/sorceresses are stated to use their magic to prolong their lifespans and age at a much slower rate than humans. Gedymdeith was over 500 when he died of heart failure.

Witchers, again, get handwaved as "never dying a natural death" so we dont have much of an idea if theyre effectively immortal due to their mutations or if theyd eventually die of natural causes. Vesemir spoiler the oldest witcher, and although an exact age isnt available, Lambert finds clothing items Vesemir wore in the year 1112. Wild Hunt takes place in 1272. Geralt himself is just about a century old, and Vesemir was considered old even when Geralt was young."

tldr; o witcheroch sa nevie vela kolko sa mozu dozit lebo vsetci zatial zomreli v boji ale geraltov vek je okolo 90-100 rokov a nie je zname ci witcheri mozu vobec zomriet na starobu
detail (l.148)
  pridané 19.1.2019 9:49
Možno vďaka elixírom...? Kvôli skúške trav to asi nebude, keďže ju podstúpil len Geralt (a z toho mu zbeleli vlasy). Ak sa nemýlim.